Health, Hygiene and Hand protection... the 3 essentials for choosing your boxing gloves

Aussie Mike shows how to ensure you have the right boxing gloves for your fitness program with the 3 H’s in mind … Health, hygiene and Hand protection !!

As we start to slowly (and hopefully) emerge from the COVID-19 restrictions many of us will be looking to start or restarts a boxing program as part of their fitness regime.

In the attached video Aussie Mike details what to do in terms of Health and Hygiene ie. never use other peoples gloves!!, what inner hand protection i.e straps /gloves to use and finally tips for choosing the right type of boxing gloves. This is essential information for those which to start a boxing regimen and particularly folks in the Parkinson’s community commencing a boxing program.

Check out Aussie Mike’s YouTube video and let me know if you have any questions or comments.

Hope you find this useful and most importantly Keeeeeep Punching !!